

Fencing is a sport which requires two participants and it requires them to fight against each other using swords, we'll not actual swords it's called as a foll, the epee and also the sabre. Fencing is one of the first sports which was played in the summer Olympics. There are three forms of modern fencing each form needs to use different kinds of weapons and also posses different rules and hence the sport is diveded into three scenes, foil, epee and sabre.
There are three weapons needed to play the sport and those are mentioned above, each weapon has its own strategies and rules. Every participant needs to have at least 2 swords, a Lame, a white jacket, underarm protector, two body a mask cord glove and etc. Protection is very important in a sword game like fencing.
Famous Players :
  • Lucien Gaudin
  • NedoNadi
  • Alexander's Romankov
  • Valentina Vezzal
  • Tim More house
  • Keeth Smart
  • Peter Westbrook
  • Pal Kovacs