
Judo is a martial art sport mostly performed in Japan. It was created as a physical moral and a mental pedagogy in Japan. Judo was categorized as a modern martial art but was later changed to an Olympic sport. It's most interesting feature is it's competitive element. The objective of the three game is to throw the opponent or takedown him or her to ground and pin. To force an opponent to submit out, the participants can use joint lock or choke.

A person who participates in Judo can use his or her hands as well as feet to throw strikes and thrusts towards the opponent. These are various weapons of the Judo sport.

A throw on the opponents back with impetus scores aippon and hence winning the contest. A lesser throw where the opponents back is being targeted but hit with lesser force to qualify for ippon scores a waza-ari. There are two types of penalties which are awarded. A shido is awarded for minor rule break,after three shidos the opponent wins.

Famous Players :

  • Teddy Riner
  • Kano Jigoro
  • Yasuhiro Yamashita
  • Anton Geesink
  • IliasIladis
  • Wim Ruska
  • Ronda Rousey
  • David Douillet
  • Brian Jacks
  • RyokoTani
  • Hitoshi Saito
         ·   Benjamin Darbelet